2024 Ski-Doo Summit Snowmobile Lineup
Last year, for model year 2023, Ski-Doo unleashed a monster model year lineup with the release of the REV Gen5 platform across the entire deep snow segment. This left us wondering where BRP would look to improve for its model year 2024 Ski-Doo snowmobile lineup.
With fewer details to report on the heels of last year, sure, we could have cut-and-pasted press info from Ski-Doo and called it a day—but that’s not how we operate at Mountain Sledder! We’d rather take a deeper dive into the details to flush out what’s really going on and new here. And there are some things, so read on.
The most notable and impactful changes to the deep snow lineup come to 2024 Ski-Doo Freeride model, placing changes to the 2024 Summit lineup somewhat in the shadow. But for the customer, a quiet release following Year One of a brand-new platform (and engine for the matter, if you consider the E-TEC TurboR upgrade to be new) is a good thing, and it says a lot about how the design and engineering teams at BRP and Rotax nailed it the first time. Well done.
It’s time to look closely at the details of the 2024 Ski-Doo Summit snowmobile lineup!

Demonstrated here on the 2024 Summit X with Expert Package, the Adjustable Limiter Strap feature that makes it easy to go from wheelie machine to laser guided missile has now made its way into the Summit X model as well.
2024 Ski-Doo Summit Snowmobile Lineup
With the addition of some naming changes this year, the 2024 Ski-Doo Summit model names can be little confusing at first glance, so before we get into the details let’s just try to first clarify how each model is positioned.
Basically, there are four distinct Summit models; two are spring check only premium models (with Summit X in the name), and two are available in-season (with Summit Adrenaline in the name).
Spring Order Only
- Summit X model
- Summit X w/ Expert Package model
- Summit Adrenaline model
- Summit Adrenaline w/ Edge model
Part of the confusion stems from a change in the naming convention of the MY23 base models from SP and Edge to Adrenaline and Adrenaline with Edge Package respectively.
As for the spring order models, the Summit X is actually a considerably different beast than Summit X w/ Expert Package. What further confounds the situation is that the ‘Expert Package’ is not necessarily the cut-and-dry ultimate choice for the expert rider, who may prefer the easygoing steering and handling characteristic of the Summit X, or the greater adjustability of the shocks package on the Freeride model for example.
Confused? Let’s get into it.
We’ll start with the upper tier stuff and work our way down to the base models. That means the Ski-Doo Summit X models are up first!
2024 Ski-Doo Summit X Models
2024 Ski-Doo Summit X

2024 Ski-Doo Summit X with Expert Package

For MY23, the Expert Package model was updated with tMotion XT, the fixed rear arm suspension, which created quite a bit more separation between the handling of the Summit X and the Expert. That separation still exists, despite the features mentioned above moving to the Summit X model for 2024.
The fixed (non-pivoting) rear arm, full-width rod track and DS-4 ski are largely now what continues to set the handling characteristic of these two models apart. It boils down to the question: Do you want an easy handling, easy steering Summit? Or one that is a little more precise and holds a line better, especially in tough situations or conditions?

A prime example of a situation in which the Expert Package shines—due to the combination of tMotion XT, full-width rod track and DS-4 ski—in precisely holding a steep sidehill line in deep snow.
Here are the other features that that set the Expert Package apart from the Summit X:
- Stiffer shocks calibration
- KYB Pro 36 piggyback rear shock
- Ultra-compact seat
- Flexible handguards
- 175″ track option

The Expert model is very good at handling controlled downhill sidehill manoeuvres and turn ups.
Don’t forget: If you’re one of those riders who has gone 175″ and is never coming back, the Expert model is your only choice for that.

2024 Ski-Doo Summit Adrenaline Models
New for 2024, along with the naming reconfiguration, is the return of the 600R E-TEC engine option to these models. The 600R is a peppy little powerplant that we loved back in 2019 when it was first appeared in the Summit lineup. It continues to be a great option for mountain riders who don’t want or aren’t ready for the power of an 850.
What you don’t get in the Adrenaline models is the option for the 850 E-TEC TurboR engine. But if forced induction power is on your shopping list, you’re probably already looking at the Summit X spring order models anyway.
2024 Ski-Doo Summit Adrenaline
As far as base models go, the 2024 Ski-Doo Summit Adrenaline is an unbelievable capable machine. If there’s somewhere you can’t get on it, the limitation is with the rider, not the machine. This sled will blow the doors off comparable ‘base model’ sleds from even just a few years ago.
That said, for a slightly larger price tag you can upgrade to the Edge Package of this sled, and it will be a worthwhile investment that we recommend making—keeping reading to find out the reasons why.
Otherwise, for the Adrenaline model, you get all the great benefits of the REV Gen5 platform, which is considerably lighter and narrower than the Gen4. Here’s a number of highlights:
- REV Gen5 platform
- 850 E-TEC or 600R E-TEC engine
- KYB shocks package
- 36″ ski stance
- tMotion X rear suspension
- Lightweight ski spindle
- Pilot DS-3 skis
- SHOT starter
- 146″ or 154″ FlexEdge track with 2.5″ lug

2024 Ski-Doo Summit Adrenaline with Edge Package

We put these two pictures next to each other (Adrenaline 154″ above and Adrenaline with Edge 165″ below) so you can scroll back and forth to see the difference between the short tunnel, snow flap and seat.
What you can’t really see from this angle unfortunately is the difference in ski stance width, which plays a key role in the difference between these two Adrenaline models.
Here’s why we believe the Adrenaline with Edge Package is the best bang for your buck in the in-season models. In addition to all the standard features included in the base Adrenaline model, you now also get:
34″ Ski Stance
The 34″ ski stance is a really big deal. Tip up and sidehill initiation requires considerably less effort, and it’s much easier to hold the sled on edge across a slope of hard, choppy, junk snow. This is a huge advantage when you’re crossing a hill or traversing the trees with nasty stuff below and you really don’t want to be pushed off your line.
With the exception of exceptionally aggressive riding when you might want a little extra stability, the 34″ ski stance just makes everything easier and is better for that reason. Another consideration is that riders who are shopping in-season sleds are probably not the type of hardcore rider who is pushing the envelop so much that they need that extra footprint. They stand to benefit as much as anyone from the benefits of the more narrow ski stance.
For the vast majority of mountain riders, there’s no appreciable drawback to the narrower 34″ stance. Trust us.
Short Tunnel
With the Edge Package, riders gain the drag reduction and snow clearing benefits of the short tunnel, which have long been proven by now. There’s less back there to be hung up on snow as you’re riding, and snow clears the tunnel better for what feels like an added horsepower boost.
Of course you could just cut off the snow flap on the Adrenaline model, but that doesn’t achieve the same effect because the tunnel is still longer.
Deep Snow Compact Seat
Get that seat out of your way! It’s only a spot to eat lunch and maybe take a little break on the trail, so really a larger seat does nothing but add weight and get in the way of your legs and body when you’re bouncing around from running board to running board.
165″ and 3.0″ lug choices
If you want to ride and get places in absolutely all snow conditions, it’s a safe argument that a 165″ sled is the way to go. It’s just the most versatile track length, and it’s not an option on the base model Adrenaline.
The Edge package also allows the option of tracks with 3.0″ lug. It’s amazing how much extra traction that extra half an inch will buy you.
Premium LED Lighting
Long story, short. The 34″ ski stance and additional track options make the upgrade to the Edge Package a serious consideration if you’re in the market for an in-season 2024 Ski-Doo Summit Adrenaline model. It’s only $1100 CAD more, and well worth it in our opinion.

2024 Ski-Doo Summit Lineup Summary
So that’s it for the 2024 Ski-Doo Summit deep snow sleds. Once you understand the naming conventions and how they differ, its clear to see that the four Summit models are well-positioned to meet the needs of the spectrum of mountain riders with varying budgets.
We’re glad to see some of the premium features that were previously the sole domain of the Expert Package making their way across to the other Summit models—in particular features like the narrow 34″ ski stance, short tunnel and lightweight, compact seat.
One thing we didn’t talk about is the 10.25″ touchscreen display, but that technology is still new and evolving and deserves its own post elsewhere.
Stay tuned for more 2024 Ski-Doo snowmobile content to come!
– MS