509 Volume 13 Review | Mountain Sledder
October 18th, 2018

509 Volume 13 Review

Traditionally, 509 films have featured a semi-chronological combination of individual athlete segments and footage partitioned into separate riding trips. But for 509 Volume 13, the concept is a little different. This time around they’ve gone out with the goal of riding every month of the year, and the footage is shown sequentially. It’s a neat concept, loosely called, “Chasing the Endless Season.”

The latest from industry giant, 509, features Brett Turcotte, Chris Burandt, Rob Kincaid, David McClure, Cody Borchers, Riley Suhan, Nadine Overwater, Reagan Sieg, Jay Mentaberry, Cody McNolty, Sahen Skinner, Ross Robinson, Andy Thomas, Lincoln Lemieux and Travis Audorff. So without further ado, here’s our 509 Volume 13 review!


509 Volume 13


509 Volume 13 Review


It all starts out in October, when the flakes are still few and far between. But the crew is already raring to go. Cody Borchers, Riley Suhan and friends do find snow up high, and even cloudy weather can’t dampen their spirits. Perseverance pays off when the skies open up, and the gang is treated to some awesome early season pow shredding.


509 Volume 13



It’s still early season, but riding is already in full swing after Halloween. Sahen Skinner and Chris Burandt both find snow deep enough to shred without any hesitation. Burandt pulls off a full-commitment hop over a log that could easily have gone sideways.


509 Volume 13


December & January

By now, Snow-maggedon is well underway, with December typically being one of the snowiest months in BC. In classic style, Reagan Sieg continually launches his snow bike into oblivion, touching down into never-ending piles of beautiful white fluff.


509 Volume 13


It seems like we’re always going off about how rad Brett Turcotte is, like a bunch of fanboys or something. Here’s the thing though—he’s just so good in the air. It’s awesome to see him get after it in December, dropping cornices, charging natural jump tracks through the alpine and dropping pillow stacks halfway through tree lines without hesitation.


509 Volume 13


The New Year rings in a new type of segment. The 509 shooters head to Minnesota to capture some badass footage of a sled racing a trophy truck (yes, a trophy truck!) on what is pretty much a real-life version of a track you might find in a video game. They go head-to-head on berms, tables and an over-under style gap. So rad!


509 Volume 13


Heading back west, Whistler is well-known for huge dumps of snow, and January is when it gets well and truly hammered. Cody McNolty is the lucky recipient of a two-week storm cycle, in which he goes out to hit the same line day-after-day as the terrain is covered by a full reset on a nightly basis.


509 Volume 13


February & March

Out East, cold weather settles into Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Mike Ziebert and friends showcase some of the eastern terrain that—while incomparable to the elevation out west—certainly offers enough opportunities for freeriding and boondocking to keep the guys busy all winter long.

Snow continues to dump out West, and that seems to be the theme for Winter 2018 (in Canada at least). The rest of the month consists of sledders and snow bikers wiping gobs of snow off their goggles so they can see.

March begins to offer up some sunny days, which no doubt the hard charging crew of 509 riders has been waiting for. Drops and airs commence!




As the days get longer, Cody Borchers joins the fellas at Aventure Chic-Choc to explore some of the terrain of the Gaspé Peninsula of Quebec. Some techy goondocking ensues, and it’s clear how much skill is required to navigate the tight, forested terrain there. Good thing for all that low-elevation horsepower!


509 Volume 13


April & May

Springtime is the culmination of an athlete’s riding for the year, and the time when their skills are most honed to perfection. It’s a chance to really push and see what they are capable of achieving in the air, with style. In 509 Volume 13 we get to see that from a number of the best riders out there, including Riley Suhan getting completely inverted.




And in Sweden, there is finally some daylight to enjoy! Rob Kincaid—who is becoming quite the world traveller, by the way—heads across the big pond to explore some Scandinavian terrain on a couple of pre-production Arctic Cats, including the Alpha One. Unfortunately, Rob’s usual partner-in-crime Dave McClure was hurt about a week prior and couldn’t make it. But Rob soldiers on alone and puts on a great performance overseas regardless (even though he misses his buddy).


509 Volume 13


June, July, August & September

Where the dirt road turns to snow in late spring, adventure begins. A sun-cupped snowpack is a virtual playground for the guys, hillclimbing, hitting jumps and generally goofing around.

But when the snow is completely gone, what is a sledder to do? How about some oval racing on water? It’s pretty wild to see riders hauling butt across the water at top speed, barely avoiding (unsuccessfully at times) colliding with one another.


509 Volume 13


And it wouldn’t be a complete season without Burandt making every sledder in the northern hemisphere completely green with jealous rage by heading south to Chile to ride. Of course, they get it good down there with beautiful backdrops and blue skies. In what was probably a pretty great experience, the crew heads to a local ski area to give rides to the local kids and families who have never laid eyes on a snowmobile before.


And so, a full year of snowmobiling goodness comes to close. While 509 Volume 13 serves to share with us all the great days and adventures of the team last year, what it really does more than anything is get us all psyched for what the winter to come has in store.


– MS


509 Volume 13 is available on DVD and on iTunes.