1st Annual Alpine Sled Style Mountain Sledding Film Competition Underway
Alpine Sled Style, a first of its kind mountain sledding professional athlete video competition, is underway. The video competition will award a $5000 prize to the best two-minute rider video segment based on audience votes.
The inaugural run features three of the most exciting and progressive riders in the sport of mountain sledding today: Andreas Bergmark, Brett Turcotte and Cody McNolty. The riders were selected at the beginning of last season to direct, film and enter a two-minute segment for the competition.
How the Competition Works
The competition guidelines state that each rider has one season to film, edit and submit their two-minute video to showcase their best performance in the backcountry.
Due to limitations in the first Alpine Sled Style competition, an exception was made to allow the riders to use footage from more than one season of riding.
The videos are hosted at sledstyle.com, where the audience can view each segment and vote for their favourite.
How to Vote
To watch and participate in the voting, go to sledstyle.com
Each two-minute video is hosted there, as well as a rider bio. After watching the videos, the audience may cast their vote. In order to do so, viewers must first create an account and password using their email address in order to ensure that each viewer may only cast their vote once.
Alpine Sled Style Video Competition
Voting closes December 1, 2021, at which time the athlete segment with the most votes will win the $5000 prize.
Alpine Sled Style has been organized and funded by “Munster” in its first year. But with support from the community of mountain riders, we hope the competition will flourish to include even more talented riders in the future. Go vote!
– MS