Andrew Munster Interview
Introduction to Andrew Munster interview by Cody McNolty
Heading into the winter season of 2012/2013, I was a little concerned because my main and nearly exclusive riding partner Ryan had moved away from the West Coast. This was my third season back from a 7-year hiatus and I was ready to start pushing limits. But without my pal Ry, I wasn’t sure who I was going to find that would be down to shred.
Thankfully that year I became friends with Steve Wheeler of No Limits Motorsports. Now becoming friends with Steve meant riding with him and his two homies—Sam Standing and Andrew Munster. I’ll never forget riding with those three for the first time, they took me to an area that every part of me thought don’t follow these guys. Sam and Steve would say, “Pfft, man it’s all good, we’ve done this line for years!” And pop! They would be gone!
Munster was always quiet and usually waited to make sure I was coming. Man, these three could shred! And their local knowledge of zones and their ability to ride was exactly what I was looking for in a riding group. By the end of that season all of us had elevated our riding and although we didn’t know what the future held, I knew that Wheeler, Standing and Munster were guys I wanted to keep riding with.
Over that summer Munster and I stayed in touch and talked regularly about sledding. Munster had been running this finger throttle thing that he had homemade and wanted to start a company building them because he believed it was a superior approach to snowmobiling. Munster also never let up, telling me I needed to join social media and share the type of riding I was doing. By the next fall I had opened Instagram and Facebook accounts for the very first time (mostly Andrew did this as I am computer illiterate) and Andrew had launched his company, branding “Munster” for the first time.
What a journey the past few years have been. Aside from our professional ambitions towards riding, Andrew’s growing company and the Launch of Munster Films, I consider Andrew one of my dearest friends and a role model for the community of sledders.
PS – I’m sorry I blew up the engine in your truck…
— Cody
The Andrew Munster Interview
Name: Andrew Munster
Age: 30
Hometown: Whistler
Current home: Whistler
Years riding: 11
Truck: 98 Dodge 2500
Sled: 2017 Skidoo Summit 850 X, 165
Munster Sled Parts
I started Munster because I knew I wanted to work for myself. I had spent time in Uni and working for other organizations but I knew I had potential for more. Riding my sled is a passion and I wanted to expand my ideas around the finger throttles into a new product line offering products that were only of the highest quality and that all served a purpose to enhance riding.

Munster Finger Throttle
I see my company continuing to grow, not larger, but instead aiming to a high level of sustainability, where I can continue to invest my time and money into new ideas that raise the level of innovation in the industry.
My main objective is simple. I believe in quality. That means taking the time to engineer and test a part that meets 100% of the expectations set.
My friends often teases me because I tend to get an idea and obsess over it. The idea grows and grows until it becomes something I believe in, and in turn, have to achieve. That process is the basis of many of my products.
I draw inspiration from the inefficiencies I find when riding, as well as the inefficiencies others bring to my attention. Many of my ideas come from friends and fellow sledders who have input towards new product ideas.
All the products I build are related to snowmobiling. Some of the products I make are t
he Finger throttle, Kill switch, Bushing Savers, Rail Brace and Brake Lever for a range of different makes and models. I also have skillsets for various other fabrication designs. In the past few years I have built 4 custom flat decks and some custom furniture for clients in Whistler.

Munster Kill Switch
Our parts are designed for every snowmobiler out there. Every part has been specifically designed for function and performance. Both the beginner and the expert will find value in the Munster brand.
The main ways to purchase Munster products is from our Online store, or at any one of our many dealers across BC and Alberta. We also have an international list of dealers who regularly stock Munster products.

Munster Ski Bushing Saver
Media and Munster Films
Marketing is huge. Building quality products is essential for me, but marketing is equally important to ensure I can actually sell those products. Social media has played a huge role in letting people around the world know what Munster is and has to offer. Learning how to offer an online store has played a huge role to market the products directly to a global audience of consumers. Gaining traction with magazine adds has been valuable as well.
I am equally passionate for photography and film. As my friends and I have grown our riding portfolios, photography has remained a passion. To show the world the beauty and extreme sport that mountain riding can be is very tricky and difficult to showcase via film. Yes other companies are doing it but I wanted to be creative and do it our own way. Munster films was more of a way to showcase our riding and make edits without the input of corporate industry.
Making a film is hard! It takes patience and a lot of hours to get the footage and then triple the time to construct an edit. But with our group of riders we are able to work together and capture amazing shots with epic riding. The Munster brand will continue for now to put out short film edits for free on It is our hope that the fans will help grow and share our films and be a part of our journey to deliver world class film.
My riding style is silent. I like to figure out exactly how to make the snowmobile do the work and I become the pilot. What inspires me most is all my friends who I ride with. Everyone seems to have a different aspect of riding they excel in. We all push and motivate each other to progress our skills and become better overall riders.

Munster’s riding style may be silent, but it’s also deadly.
— Colin