Matthew's Articles
September 8th, 2021 | Matthew Mallory
Logan Pehota – A New Path in the Mountains
At just 24-years-old, Logan Pehota has already made a name for himself in the world of big mountain skiing, but now sledders are starting to take notice of the young athlete, too.
August 3rd, 2019 | Matthew Mallory
Cody McNolty – High Profile and Hard-Charging Rider
Truck rolling, talking into the phone’s camera, sled on the deck, Chuck Norris beard, sunglasses flashing—it’s all just another day in Cody McNolty’s Instagram story.
July 30th, 2019 | Matthew Mallory
The Essence of the Powder Turn
The essence of the powder turn isn’t found in its mechanics. It’s the feeling the turn evokes—that flighty moment your soul is set free, floating a heavy machine on a substance lighter…
July 22nd, 2019 | Matthew Mallory
Sam Standing – Work Hard, Play Harder
It’s a long way from Whistler to the mine north of Stewart where Sam Standing works, a trip he makes there and back once a month to fill the bank account.
July 6th, 2019 | Matthew Mallory
Aaron Leyland – Pulling Focus and Putting on Miles
Leyland enjoys spending over a hundred days a year on his sled, wiggling his 175” powder-slayer/tree-trimmer through nicely-spaced old growth en route to filming locations, where he fully admits that he’s been…
May 23rd, 2019 | Matthew Mallory
Andrew Munster – A Cornerstone of West Coast Sledding Culture
Andrew Munster is a multi-dimensional guy, and a one-of-a-kind when it comes to mountain sledding. He is best known for Munster Innovations, his company that designs top-quality aftermarket components for snowmobiles.
May 5th, 2019 | Matthew Mallory
Khan Yong Gee – A Different Sort of Whistler Lifestyle
On a sliver of land at the end of the road, beyond the rows of ridiculously extravagant Whistler mansions, sits an RV that Khan Yong Gee calls home.
December 31st, 2018 | Matthew Mallory
The Future of Riding Mount Sproatt in Jeopardy
The future of riding on Mount Sproatt is in jeopardy. To prevent a weather-based closure from taking effect, riders are being requested not only to comply with the closure area, but to…
November 27th, 2018 | Matthew Mallory
A (Somewhat Raunchy) Love Letter to Snow
I’ve loved the way you can transform the world from a drab, fall landscape into something bright, cold and welcoming. This is my love letter to snow.
September 4th, 2018 | Matthew Mallory
Fall Rituals – The Countdown to Winter Has Begun
Fall is the time to partake in the annual rituals that help define our sledding culture. It’s time to get stoked for the coming season. The deep snow of winter will be…