BC Snowmobile Groups win National Excellence Awards
Keremeos, BC (June 14, 2019) – On June 8th, 2019 the Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations (CCSO) hosted their annual Excellence Awards in Grand Rapids, Michigan as part of the International Snowmobile Congress with over three hundred delegates in the room from across Canada and the United States. The BCSF had two regions from British Columbia that were recognized for their outstanding work. The CCSO Excellence Awards are a National Award to honor individuals, snowmobile clubs, associations and businesses in Canada that have made a significant contribution towards showcasing the popularity and the overall appeal of the sport, have made a remarkable effort to promote solidarity and responsibility within the snowmobile community or who have offered exceptional quality of service to snowmobilers.
Outstanding Snowmobile Tourism Promotion and Development Award
The CCSO Excellence Award for Outstanding Snowmobile Tourism Promotion and Development was awarded to Valemount and Area Recreation Development Association (VARDA). VARDA was recognized for their outstandingachievement in the development and implementation of a snowmobile tourism program and original initiative that resulted in positive media recognition and increased participation from snowmobilers and the general public. VARDA’s work has contributed significantly to growing snowmobiling in the Valemount area and also increased tourism for the community through the creation and management of a mountain bike park and snowmobile assisted ski area. Valemount is now more than a point on a map, it is a year-round tourist destination.

Outstanding Snowmobile Club
The CCSO Excellence Award for Outstanding Snowmobile Club was awarded to the Windermere Valley Snowmobile Society (WVSS). The club was awarded for having distinguished itself as a club that promotes safety and quality snowmobile opportunities in the Windermere Valley. The club leadership have worked closely with other trail users to develop quality recreational opportunities in the community. The club recently spent significant time and energy developing a plan for its future and has started applying for grants to invest in equipment and additional infrastructure. The club’s work resulted in an increase to local membership and the number of tourists riding their trails. This award shows that a small club can have a large impact on a community but also the sport of snowmobiling in Canada, overall.

The Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations (CCSO) is a volunteer-led, not-for-profit national organization which through strong leadership provides support to our members and provides the unified voice of organized snowmobiling at the national and international levels. The CCSO envisions that across Canada, organized snowmobile trail networks and riding areas provide a lasting legacy of responsible riding experiences that are highly valued, safe, enjoyable, sustainable and environmentally friendly. The CCSO strives to represent all organized snowmobiling Canadian jurisdictions to maintain a national understanding of the needs and expectations of snowmobilers across Canada.