A Guide To Loaning Your Snowmobile: Beg, Borrow, Steel
March 11th, 2021

A Guide To Loaning Your Snowmobile: Beg, Borrow, Steel

We’re all guilty. We’ve all done it. Borrowed something and forgot about it.

Broke it. Loaned it to someone else. Lost it.

A tool.

There is too little respect out there for the borrowed item, and for the wretchedly innocent stooge that we borrowed it from.

A book.

If we had enough appreciation for these things, then we would probably own our own and keep them neat. Tidy. In good, working order.


But we don’t. So we borrow. And we return these things at our leisure, and in slightly worse condition than we found them, if at all, and only when asked.


Unfortunately, borrowing a sled is not like borrowing your buddy’s Rocky DVD Box Set. Snowmobiles are dear to heart, damn expensive, and sadly, too easily damaged. As awesome as that scene is when Rocky is tuning up those carcasses in the freezer, the fact remains that it can’t compare.

From time-to-time, however, situations crop up when it would be really nice to have an extra sled on hand. Say a friend rolls into town for a couple of days, who you’d love to show a good time in the mountains. Or you felt like taking your family out for an enjoyable trail ride. Most likely though, you’re on a multi-day road trip with some pals, and one of you has a breakdown. It’s great to have an extra sled with you so your trip isn’t ruined waiting for repairs.

On the flipside, there may come a time when we are asked for a loan of our most precious, our most treasured. Our sled. Guilty of our own borrowing transgressions, we must ask ourselves the question: can my friend be trusted in a way, that I myself, cannot?

A Guide To Loaning Your Snowmobile

The answer is no, but you’re a bleeding heart and you’re probably going to do it anyway. Rather than face the unpleasantness that would surely be the result of an unsatisfactory lending experience, we suggest moving beyond the customary, open-ended “you break it, you bought it” agreement, into something with a little more detailed accountability. Here’s our guide to loaning your snowmobile.

It feels weird to enter into a more formal agreement with our friends, but if we want to keep those friends, it’s a necessity. Treat it like a business arrangement. It’s nothing personal. It’s just dollars and common sense.

The whole arrangement begins with a thorough once-over of the sled while you give your borrower friend a stern talking to. Use big words like respectfulness, moral obligation, and consequence. Ask, “are we clear?” after each. Walk around the machine with your friend, pointing out how each and every part of the machine is in mint condition, taking photos as necessary to really drive the point home. This will establish that you know your sweet baby inside and out, and even the smallest new scratch will not go unnoticed.

Then take the time to fill out the form below. It’s not legally binding, but your friend doesn’t know that. Shake hands on it at least twice, and be sure to stare into their eyes for an uncomfortable amount of time while doing it.

Now cross your fingers and hope for the best! Good luck!

– PW

Loaning Your Snowmobile Contract