Boulder Mountain Access Closed by Landslide
Early season access to Boulder Mountain, Revelstoke’s flagship riding area, has been cut off by a landslide caused by heavy rains.
A series of three major rain events rolling across British Columbia has resulted in a landslide, causing a section of the Jordan River Forest Service Road (FSR) to become impassible near the Revelstoke Snowmobile Club staging area for Boulder Mountain.

The landslide occurred approximately one kilometer up the access trail, near the first switchback adjacent to the power lines cutblock. Heavy rains also caused about half of the road to be washed away beyond the landslide as far as the end of the power lines cutblock.
The RSC has been in touch with Recreation Sites and Trails BC, and program officers were on site to view the damage on December 2.
However, because its management agreement does not allow the club to make major roadway repairs, there is little RSC can do to restore access. Responsibility for roadway clearing and repairs falls on the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development.

Prior to the landslide, the Revelstoke Snowmobile Club (RSC) had been grooming the access trails for about a week, beginning at the snow line at around the 2.5 kilometer mark on on the Jordan River FSR. At that time, all Boulder Mountain access trails had been open and groomed.
However, the warm rain and water running down the trails has also caused the deterioration of the Bezanson and Veideman trails to the point where they could not be maintained, while the Kirkup trail had remained open prior to the landslide event.
Likewise, warm temperatures and rain over the proceeding weeks had also caused the early season snow at valley bottom to melt. With no snow at the Boulder Mountain trailhead, riders are unable to stage from the regular season parking lot and bypass the landslide at this time.
There is currently no timeline for the road to be cleared and repaired. However, RSC reports that the Ministry of Forests is currently mobilizing for the repair work.

In the meantime, RSC’s other groomed and managed area, Frisby Ridge, is currently open and groomed for riding.
– MS