BRP Empowering Women Riders To Get in the Driver’s Seat
March 8th, 2023

BRP Empowering Women Riders To Get in the Driver’s Seat

At Mountain Sledder we do our best to encourage inclusivity in snowmobiling, and we love to see support from the manufacturers for women and other underrepresented groups in our sport! Check out the release below from BRP about their efforts in celebration of International Women’s Day to empower women in snowmobiling and support worldwide organizations that are dedicated to the advancement of women.

Follow the link to show your support, and for each person who adds their name, BRP will contribute $1 (up to $50K total) to the women’s organizations listed below.

– MS

BRP In the Driver's Seat

Valcourt, QC (March 8, 2023) – This International Women’s Day, and every day after, BRP is proud to stand with women everywhere as they Get in the Driver’s Seat. BRP is celebrating the growing number of women who are fearlessly and joyfully taking their place in powersports and marine by sharing the stories of its women ambassadors, community of riders, and employees.

“At BRP, we believe that every woman has a place in the driver’s seat. We strive to empower women on and off the playground so that they can take their rightful place in our community, experience a strong kinship and truly belong,” says Anne-Marie LaBerge, Chief Marketing Officer at BRP.

“We are proud to launch our Get in the Driver’s Seat initiative to support women riders and amplify their voice as they share their thrill of riding and inspire more women to break up with the backseat and go for a ride.”

The powersports and marine community is made stronger when more are included. Thus, BRP is calling on everyone to share their best memories or what inspires them to get in the driver’s seat.

BRP is also inviting everyone to support women riders by signing the Get in the Driver’s Seat commitment. For every name gathered, BRP is committing a dollar, up to a total of CAD $50,000, to be distributed amongst the following incredible organizations around the world, which are dedicated to the advancement of women:

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