Riding School | Mountain Sledder Magazine

Category: Riding School

The Building Blocks of a Bowtie

While bowties are often categorized as a party trick and deemed not useful in conquering mountains, I believe otherwise. Successfully learning how to bring a sled around and recover from looping out…

Bergmark Side Panel Re-Entry Tips

Just like some riders love doing deep powder turns, the side panel re-entry is just a more extreme way to really get that “white room” feeling, combined with some sweet airtime.

Rubbing Elbows with Turcotte

Brett Turcotte’s ability to ride is without question in the uppermost tier of the elite. The best of the best. To find out more about how he shares his knowledge and experience…

How to Drop Cliffs on a Snowmobile

Cody McNolty shares some thoughtful and detailed advice on how to safely and successfully drop cliffs on a snowmobile.

Easiest Way to Tow a Snowmobile

So while today's sleds are certainly more reliable than those of the past, the necessity for a good towing solution continues to exist. With that in mind, here is an overview of…

The Essence of the Powder Turn

The essence of the powder turn isn’t found in its mechanics. It’s the feeling the turn evokes—that flighty moment your soul is set free, floating a heavy machine on a substance lighter…

How to Sideflip – Riding Tip with Caleb Kesterke

You should already be fully-pinned as you reach the lip; now look over your uphill shoulder and pull backwards twice as hard as you think you should. You don’t need to consciously…

Mic’d Up Ride with Riley Suhan

A couple of weeks back, Mountain Sledder had the opportunity to slap a mic on pro rider Riley Suhan and go with him for a ride around his local stomping grounds near…

How to Execute a Panel Slide with Chris Brown – Riding Tip

Some folks call it an elevator, but I call it a panel slide. It all started for me back in 2005 while filming for Slednecks 8. It was springtime and Chris Burandt…

Introducing Your Spouse to Mountain Sledding (Without Being Murdered)

When I first met my wife, she wasn’t a sledder. The transformation over the last 15 years to her full-blown obsession with mountain sledding has been an interesting voyage for us both.…