Category: Tech School
January 27th, 2017 | Mountain Sledder
Tech Tip: How to deal with a broken chaincase
The bad news is that not only is your sled without any semblance of self-propulsion, it's also got no brakes! That's right. When your chain decided to commit harikari by blasting itself…
December 21st, 2016 | Curtis Pawliuk
Sure, you are transmitting—but what else is?
Transceiver Interference In the world of avalanches, something good can also potentially be something bad. For example, we talk about trees and rocks acting as anchors stabilizing a snowpack, but in some…
June 5th, 2016 | Brandon Wiesener
How to Build a Grab Seat – Tech Tip
To really bring this wave of progression to sledding, a grab seat must be built. Here are the steps we took on our first build.
May 7th, 2015 | Aaron Bernasconi
How to Summerize Your Sled – Tech Tip
In this video, Aaron shows you how to summerize your sled, along with why it's a good idea to properly prepare your sled for storage in the summer months.
March 1st, 2012 | Mountain Sledder
How to Change a Belt and Adjust Deflection on a 2012 Arctic Cat – Tech Tip
Hey guys! Here's a tip on how to change a belt and adjust belt deflection on a 2012 Arctic Cat M8! Enjoy this video Tech Tip!
February 5th, 2011 | Dave Best
How to Change a Belt on a Yamaha Nitro
Ever wondered how to change a belt on a Yamaha Nitro? This video will step you through the process! Better to practice in your warm garage than out there!
February 3rd, 2011 | Dave Best
2011 Yamaha Belt Change Tip
How to change a belt on a 2011 Yamaha Nytro
May 22nd, 2009 | Mountain Sledder
Tech Tip: Prepare Your Snowmobile for Summer Storage
When putting your sled away for the summer, it's important to properly prepare your snowmobile for summer storage. Taking the right steps will help prevent issues like corrosion from arising during your sled's…
January 25th, 2009 | Dave Best
Z broz front suspension install
How to install a z broz front suspension