Cody McNolty – High Profile and Hard-Charging Rider | Mountain Sledder
August 3rd, 2019

Cody McNolty – High Profile and Hard-Charging Rider

Truck rolling, talking into the phone’s camera, sled on the deck, Chuck Norris beard, sunglasses flashing—it’s all just another day in Cody McNolty’s Instagram story.

His has become one of the most recognizable faces in the mountain snowmobiling community. And with snowmobiling sponsorship so tightly knit to social media these days, Cody has become a role model of professionalism and how to build your own program to his nearly 35K followers on Instagram.

It was at the urging of his business-savvy friend Andrew Munster that Cody’s presence first appeared on Facebook, then eventually Instagram where he truly found his feet. With the gift of the gab, the Instagram story is a natural fit, and Cody has used that to his advantage.


Cody McNolty

Photo: Julie-Ann Chapman


Cody will tell you that the true value of social media is the ability to represent your authentic self. What you see on Cody’s Instagram is who he is in the mountains. Snowmobiling is his passion, and that translates easily to an audience of sledders who feel the same way.

Get him talking and it sounds like you’re attending a Tony Robbins seminar; listing goals and metrics and beaming positivity, he will talk your ear off about determining your own value. Cody is a walking, talking, rainbow-spewing sledding machine—which can be surprising if you were expecting a rough-and-tumble redneck born in Prince George.

Like many, Cody grew up with sleds on the family homestead. Over a decade ago, he moved west to pursue his passion for working in the marine industry, and there, promptly fell in with a crew of hard-charging Coast Mountain locals. Cody began dedicating his winters to riding right around the same time the social media revolution was underway. The timing was fortuitous, as images of his huge drops began to surface, bringing his profile to the forefront.

Last winter everything aligned. Cody’s sponsors saw the value in what he was doing, allowing him to focus on riding during time off work. And so he pushed it, racking up the kilometers on his trifecta of sleds, his Dodge truck roving between the Coast Range and the Interior of BC.

Cody takes a professional approach in everything he does, including riding moto and hitting the gym in the off-season to stay strong and keep his skills sharp. Competence and a good sense of his abilities helps keep him healthy and, with a growing sponsorship program, riding all season long.


– Matthew

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