Deep Snow in Valemount BC! Road Trip VLOG | Mountain Sledder
October 28th, 2021

Deep Snow in Valemount BC! Road Trip VLOG

Mountain Sledder staff, Pat and Sean, hit the road for a trip to Valemount, BC just in time to enjoy the spoils of a deep winter storm! With the help of some local sledders, the guys find the goods at Allan Creek and Oasis riding areas.

The Mountain Sledder team was invited up to Valemount to explore some of the area and gather content. Pat and Sean’s combined prior experience riding in the Valemount area added up to half a day, so naturally they were quite excited to explore some new terrain.

Planning riding road trips well in advance is always a crapshoot for weather. Fortunately, as the departure date neared, a big winter storm rolled across the province dumping plenty of deep, dry blower pow on the Interior ranges.

Deep Snow in Valemount
Deep snow awaited us at Valemount's Allan Creek riding area. We just needed to get there first!

Not so fortunately, the trip started off with a major setback as the storm resulted in a 24-hour closure of the the Icefields Parkway, (Alberta Highway 93, the most direct route from Mountain Sledder headquarters in Golden to Valemount), for avalanche control.

The long way around via Trans-Canada Highway 1 and BC Highway 5 north of Kamloops was also closed for much of the day through Rogers Pass for avalanche control work.

Undeterred however, and not willing to miss out on a potentially epic trip, the guys waited it out and set off late in the day on the roundabout route. What should have been a 5-hour drive turned into a 9-hour adventure, but the guys arrived safe and sound after midnight, tired but equally excited for the next day.

In the morning, local sledders and guides Curtis Pawliuk (also a regular Mountain Sledder contributor on mountain safety topics—see his articles here) and Marshall Dempster joined up with the guys to show them some of the goods in the area! Over the course of two days, the guys would explore Allan Creek and Oasis riding areas.

Check out the VLOG from the trip to see how it turned out!

Thanks to Tourism Valemount for sponsoring the content. Visit Tourism Valemount and Ride Valemount to learn more about planning your own riding adventure in Valemount.

Big thanks to Curtis and Marshall for the tour! Frozen Pirate

Accommodation support was provided by Whisper Creek Cabin Rentals

Deep Snow in Valemount BC!

Allan Creek

To learn more about Allan Creek, check out our Ride Guide! story on the area, featured in Issue 15 of Mountain Sledder magazine.

Oasis is a little off the beaten track, and we don’t have a Ride Guide for that area. Your group can discover it for yourselves if you feel comfortable navigating new terrain safely. Or hire a local guide to show you the goods!

Deep Snow in Valemount BC
The crew, at the end of a great day of shredding bottomless pow.
Deep Snow in Valemount BC 2
The Allan Creek warming shelter.


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The way in to the Oasis riding area, south of Valemount.
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Sean, enjoying the view from Oasis.
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Our intrepid guide, Curtis, looking just magnificent in his element.

Thanks for watching! We had a blast slaying deep snow in Valemount.

Stay tuned this winter for more riding content from the team here at Mountain Sledder!


– MS