Getting to Know LYNX Ambassador Jason Ribi
When LYNX made the move into the North American snowmobile market for model year 2022, three new riders were invited to join the team as LYNX Ambassadors—including Jason Ribi.
He’s not much of one for social media (which makes him less well-known than his fellow team members Andreas Bergmark and Ross Robinson), but Ribi brings a different kind of value to the brand.

Photo: Kaleb Weston
Ribi has worked for nearly a decade as a backcountry snowmobile guide at Carl Kuster Mountain Park and is now involved in managing the operations there as well. In that time, he has shared his love for sledding and witnessed countless riders of all ability levels ride the BRP product in a wide spectrum of terrain and conditions. He’s personally logged more days aboard the latest generations of BRP snowmobiles than just about anyone. That means Ribi knows the ins and outs of the machines intimately—both mechanically and from a performance perspective.
Ribi also has a strong interest in hillclimb racing, having built sleds and competed at the World Championship Snowmobile Hill Climb in Jackson Hole as a passion project.
Combined, Ribi’s encyclopedic knowledge of the BRP product, his mechanical aptitude, mountain savviness and flat out ability to shred on snow uniquely positions him to provide invaluable feedback to the Finnish brand that will surely help the LYNX BoonDocker DS break into the North American snowmobile market with success.
You can follow LYNX Ambassador Jason Ribi on Instagram @jasonribi and @lynx_snowmobiles
Thanks to Jason for making time for us (and putting us into some epic snow!), and to Carl Kuster Mountain Park for the wonderful hospitality as always.
– MS