Mic'd Up Ride with Riley Suhan | Mountain Sledder
February 26th, 2019

Mic’d Up Ride with Riley Suhan

A couple of weeks back, Mountain Sledder had the opportunity to slap a mic on pro rider Riley Suhan and go with him for a ride around his local stomping grounds near Golden, BC.

Riley is joined by Mountain Sledder editor, Pat, as the two explore the Gorman Lake zone and beyond.


Mic'd Up Ride with Riley Suhan

At first the two push back through Lang Creek and into some of the adjacent drainages. 4:12

Now, Riley is never one to stick to the beaten path; naturally he lays down some sucker tracks down for Pat to try to follow—with limited success. 7:18

Later, they enjoy the view as they head over some breathtaking mountain passes that run adjacent to Glacier National Park and into a zone filled with fun, natural features to session. 10:57


Mic'd Up Ride with Riley Suhan


During a break, Riley talks about growing up riding his mountain bike, and about some of the things he likes to do in Golden when he’s not out riding his snowmobile. 17:16

After, as the sun slowly fades from the sky, Riley puts on a jumping clinic and offers some tips on how to work up to hitting a jump safely, controlling your sled in the air, and crossing up your takeoff to avoid your old bomb holes from landing. 20:40

Mic'd Up Ride with Riley Suhan-2

Check out our destinations page for more information on sledding in Golden, BC.


– MS

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