Sixteen and Livin’ the Dream
Austin Christopher is only 16 years old, but he knows how to make the most of a winter season. Imagine trying to get out sledding with no driver’s license and only your summer’s student wages to get you through an entire winter. Well, Austin did just that and put an epic 14/15 on the books. Way to go Austin, you really crushed it! We can’t wait to see what this kid can do in a year with a pickup truck and a few more resources at his disposal. – MS
Hey, Austin Christopher here!
It’s sad to say but the season is ending quicker than we know it here on the West Coast. Lack of snow in the last couple of months and the temperature rising is not what any of us like!
Weather aside, I had a very productive first part of my season, while still nursing a broken collar bone injured only a month before my first ride. But I wasn’t going to let all my buddies chase the fresh snow without me!
Travelling almost every weekend to places such as Valemount, Blue River, Revelstoke, Clearwater, and Whistler got expensive faster than I thought so that came to an end very quick when I realized I wasn’t going to be able to afford the rest of the season if I kept this up!
Being only 16 years old and not even having a driver’s license, things are tough when it comes to sledding. I work my entire summer break at one of the local dealerships, and then when it’s time to go back to school I’m left with a little cash, so why not spend all of it on my sled, gas and oil?
Valemount had tons to offer— fresh snow, lots of terrain and blue sky. Trying to make it home for school on Monday was a tough one, knowing that I was leaving some of the best riding I’d have all year.
We heard that there was more snow in the forecast so once again so we packed up and headed to Revelstoke. Breaking trail from the truck through 3ft of powder couldn’t have been any better. Cody McNolty and I decided to break away from the group for a bit and shoot a couple of photos.
After a couple more trips up to the interior we finally got some snow locally, which was a bonus. There still wasn’t much of a base, but lots of fresh snow on top!
It was nice being home and riding nearby for a couple weekends, but I felt the need to get out to somewhere else. The next thing I knew, I was getting picked up by my good friend Kye Walstrom at almost midnight and heading to Whistler to ride the next morning. Yet another bluebird day and deep snow, so we did some fooling around!
Although it looks like the season is pretty much over for me due to a sled malfunction, I am very thankful for everybody that helps me out and shuttles me and my sled up to the mountains! I couldn’t be happier with all my gear and all the support I received this season, which went just about as planned!
– Austin