Globalstar Canada Offers $50 Discount off SPOT Devices for Snowmobile Safety Week
Mississauga, Ontario (January 14, 2021) – Globalstar Canada Satellite Co., the provider of SPOT satellite communications devices for backcountry users, has announced a partnership with the Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations (CCSO) to promote rider safety through the CCSO 2021 Safe Riders program. The partnership coincides with the start of Snowmobile Safety Awareness Week which kicks off on January 16th. As part of Globalstar Canada’s commitment to snowmobiler safety, riders can access $50 savings off the purchase of any SPOT satellite communications device through March 2021.
“We are excited to be partnering with the CCSO, to promote the importance of rider safety and outdoor winter adventure,” said Jim Mandala, Vice President, Globalstar Canada Satellite Co.
“SPOT is a proven and essential part of outdoor safety gear, trusted by thousands of people who work and play beyond cellular around the world. For the growing community of snowmobile riders in Canada, SPOT provides the safety and the peace of mind of staying found and reliably connected via satellite technology to family, friends and emergency services. We join with the CCSO in encouraging all riders to be prepared and to ride safe this winter.”
The Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations is a national not-for-profit organization which provides the unified voice of organized snowmobiling across Canada. It envisions that organized snowmobile trail networks and riding areas provide a lasting legacy of responsible riding experiences that are highly valued, safe, enjoyable, sustainable and environmentally friendly.
“Due to restrictions from the COVID pandemic, most Canadians are cancelling annual winter getaways and March break trips south, and instead are seeking outdoor winter adventures here at home,” said Dennis Burns, Executive Director, Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations.
“We expect to see an increase in families and same household riders enjoying the more than 121,000 km of organized snowmobile trails in Canada according to current public health protocols. Our message to the snowmobile community this winter, including everyone from groomer operators to trail volunteers to riders, is be prepared before you head out with the right safety gear and tools and now you can make riding even safer with SPOT.”

SPOT Discount for Snowmobile Safety Week
SPOT satellite messaging and emergency technology is used around the world by outdoor enthusiasts and lone workers to stay connected, completely independent of the availability of cellular networks. To date, more than 7,400 rescue incidents have been initiated worldwide with SPOT satellite technology, with Canada comprising approximately 30% of all rescues.
Within Canada, British Columbia accounts for the majority of SPOT rescues (38%), followed by Quebec (18%), the North including Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut (16%), Ontario (12%) and Alberta (10%).
Over the last three winter seasons, the number of rescues initiated with SPOT has been steady, averaging 75 rescue incidents per season. The majority of winter rescue incidents encompass activities including snowmobiling and motor vehicle related incidents, medical, mountain sports and hiking incidents.
The SPOT infographic provides a breakdown of SPOT initiated rescues in Canada, by province and incident.

SPOT X and Gen4 Available For Discount
Powered by the second generation Globalstar Satellite Network, the SPOT family of satellite communication devices is trusted by hundreds of thousands of outdoor enthusiasts around the world for off-the-cellular-grid messaging, back-up communications, emergency notification, GPS and asset tracking capability.
The centrepiece of the SPOT family is the SPOT X 2-Way Satellite Messenger with Bluetooth wireless technology, a 2-way satellite messaging for reliable connectivity beyond cellular coverage. Connect SPOT X to any smart phone via Bluetooth wireless technology through the SPOT X app and access contacts and communicate easily with family and friends. Contact search and rescue services at the push of a button in a life-threatening situation.
The SPOT Gen4 Satellite GPS Messenger is an affordable alternative to SPOT X, a rugged, pocket sized communication device with integrated GPS tracking and emergency notification technology.
Details on all SPOT satellite communications devices can be found at
To get the $50 discount, use the promo code “snowsafe” during check-out.
Ever since affordable satellite communications devices first became available to consumers, we’ve preached the importance of at least one member of each group carrying a satellite communication device in the backcountry.
Here is a great opportunity to get someone in your riding group hooked up at a discount, and a nod to Globalstar for supporting snowmobile safety and working with the Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations to make a deal available to riders in time for Snowmobile Safety week.
– MS