Tag: brett turcotte
November 1st, 2022 | Mountain Sledder
Alpine Sled Style Snowmobile Film Competition 2022
The second annual Alpine Sled Style snowmobile film competition has gone live, and will run for one week only, from November 1st to 8th, 2022.
November 17th, 2021 | Mountain Sledder
1st Annual Alpine Sled Style Mountain Sledding Film Competition Underway
Alpine Sled Style, a first of its kind mountain sledding professional athlete video competition, is underway. The video competition will award a $5000 prize to the best two-minute rider video segment based…
January 23rd, 2019 | Mountain Sledder
All In, Lifestyle Film Premiere in Revelstoke, BC
All In Lifestyle features a huge list of top riders including, but not limited to: Caleb Kesterke, Cody Matechuk, Derek Wood, Jeff Harker, Brad Gilmore, Cody Borchers, Andreas Berkmark, Jamie Iwaschuk, Nick Woods,…
January 12th, 2019 | Mountain Sledder
2nd Annual Turcotte Compound Snowarama Drag Race & Freestyle Event
The 2nd annual Turcotte Compound Snowarama Drag Race and Freestyle weekend will take place this year in Clearwater, BC, on March 9-10.
November 3rd, 2018 | Mountain Sledder
Destination Elevation – Inside the Lives of the Black Cats
Arctic Cat has recently published a sequel to its first Destination Elevation short film, and it's a beautiful piece of work. The film and several short episodes that have dropped since are produced…