Tag: Sled
March 5th, 2018 | Mountain Sledder
2019 Polaris Snowmobile Lineup
Big news for the 2019 Polaris snowmobile lineup of mountain sleds! At the top of the list is a brand new, "clean sheet design" engine called 850 Patriot, built fresh from the…
February 24th, 2018 | Mountain Sledder
Sled vs Snow Bike – A Social Experiment in Riding Together
We decided to try out a social experiment, to experience a sled vs snow bike day in the mountains firsthand. And we filmed it all. Here's what went down.
February 18th, 2018 | Mountain Sledder
Victim of a Stolen Snowmobile, Truck and Trailer – What Happens Next?
You come to a horrible realization...your truck, trailer and sleds are not where they were parked last night. You're the victim of a stolen snowmobile rig. Here's what happens next.
January 8th, 2018 | Mountain Sledder
Polaris INDY EVO – New Youth Sled Available in 2018
The Polaris INDY EVO is a brand-new youth sled—available in 2018—hot on the heels of this year's release of youth trail sleds from Yamaha and Arctic Cat.
August 4th, 2017 | Mountain Sledder
Every 2018 Sled Film Teaser
We thought hot flashes were associated with menopause, but it turns out it’s a condition that affects sledders in August. The symptoms are feelings of excessive heat, profuse sweating, restlessness, inability to stay…
February 10th, 2017 | Mountain Sledder
Can Snowbikes and Sleds Co-exist in Harmony?
It's become clear in the last couple of years that a snowbike can be taken into tight, lower elevation trees that you wouldn't dream of trying on your sled. But on the flip-side,…
December 15th, 2015 | Mountain Sledder
Guy rides snowmobile off 1600′ cliff
Antti Pendikainen BASE jumps his sled off a huge 1600′ cliff. Okay, super cool, but this has been done before a couple of years back by Erik Roner before he passed away…
May 7th, 2015 | Aaron Bernasconi
How to Summerize Your Sled – Tech Tip
In this video, Aaron shows you how to summerize your sled, along with why it's a good idea to properly prepare your sled for storage in the summer months.
December 24th, 2009 | Dave Best
Happy Holidays Ya’ll
Have a great holiday season from all of us here at sledshot.com! Hope everyone gets a chance to get out and shred, but remember to do it responsibly...
November 5th, 2009 | Dave Best
HMK launches new 2010 website!
Hey guys, I'm sure you have been to the old HMK site several times, and with a new season dropping in on us, HMK has launched a new website to showcase their…