Sled| Mountain Sledder Magazine

Tag: Sled

2019 Polaris Snowmobile Lineup

Big news for the 2019 Polaris snowmobile lineup of mountain sleds! At the top of the list is a brand new, "clean sheet design" engine called 850 Patriot, built fresh from the…

Sled vs Snow Bike – A Social Experiment in Riding Together

We decided to try out a social experiment, to experience a sled vs snow bike day in the mountains firsthand. And we filmed it all. Here's what went down.

Victim of a Stolen Snowmobile, Truck and Trailer – What Happens Next?

You come to a horrible realization...your truck, trailer and sleds are not where they were parked last night. You're the victim of a stolen snowmobile rig. Here's what happens next.

Polaris INDY EVO – New Youth Sled Available in 2018

The Polaris INDY EVO is a brand-new youth sled—available in 2018—hot on the heels of this year's release of youth trail sleds from Yamaha and Arctic Cat.  

Every 2018 Sled Film Teaser

We thought hot flashes were associated with menopause, but it turns out it’s a condition that affects sledders in August. The symptoms are feelings of excessive heat, profuse sweating, restlessness, inability to stay…

Can Snowbikes and Sleds Co-exist in Harmony?

It's become clear in the last couple of years that a snowbike can be taken into tight, lower elevation trees that you wouldn't dream of trying on your sled. But on the flip-side,…

Guy rides snowmobile off 1600′ cliff

Antti Pendikainen BASE jumps his sled off a huge 1600′ cliff. Okay, super cool, but this has been done before a couple of years back by Erik Roner before he passed away…

How to Summerize Your Sled – Tech Tip

In this video, Aaron shows you how to summerize your sled, along with why it's a good idea to properly prepare your sled for storage in the summer months.

Happy Holidays Ya’ll

Have a great holiday season from all of us here at!  Hope everyone gets a chance to get out and shred, but remember to do it responsibly...   

HMK launches new 2010 website!

Hey guys, I'm sure you have been to the old HMK site several times, and with a new season dropping in on us, HMK has launched a new website to showcase their…