2015 Arctic Cat M8000 SnoPro Limited In Golden BC | Mountain Sledder
March 19th, 2014

2015 Arctic Cat M8000 SnoPro Limited In Golden BC

March 18th, 2014 we tagged along with Aaron Bernasconi from Mountain Motorsports in Quartz Creek in Golden BC. Aaron was riding a 2015 Arctic Cat M8000 SnoPro Limited 153. This sled is mostly the same as the 2014 edition of the sled but there are some internal updates such as a beefed up driven shaft and a new anti-stab wheel kit on the skid.  The riding was outstanding because several recent storms stacked up some beauty powder. After one glorious turn Aaron remarked that “man for a white room, it was pretty dark in there!”  While good times were had by many, there were however, numerous signs of instability in the area, particularly on west and north west slopes. We were disturbed to find debris from a large avalanche that had crossed the groomed trail in the morning. This event had apparently happened around 5pm the day before and there’s no doubt that the deep blue sky had allowed for significant solar radiation to affect this slope. Spring is here but we must all stay vigilant in order to stay safe. Thanks for a great day Aaron.

Below are some pics from the day.


March 18, 2014. Avalanche debris on groomed trail in to Quartz Creek. The whole slope above propagated and slid.


Arctic Cat 2015 M8000 Limited Ride


Arctic Cat 2015 M8000 Limited Ride

Arctic Cat 2015 M8000 Limited Ride

Deep! This is on the few photos from this sequence where you can actually see Aaron.


Arctic Cat 2015 M8000 Limited Ride

“For being a white room it sure was dark in there!” – AB




Pillow Popping



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