'Merica | Mountain Sledder Magazine

Category: ‘Merica

To The Yukon and Alaska On A Whim

It’s one thing to drive to the southern tip of the Alaska Panhandle, just to say you did. But it’s a much bigger commitment to make the trek from southern British Columbia,…

The Honey Hole

Photos by Nick Reedy   The Honey Hole It’s early Friday afternoon and I have had just about enough of work for the week.  While the emails and problems continue to roll…

My Experience at Burandt’s Backcountry Adventure

What is it like to ride with the face of backcountry sledding? A friend and I had opportunity to ride with Chris at his location in Buena Vista, Colorado. Here is an account of my…

‘Merica — Livin’ free and ridin’ easy

every year I can find new areas that I have never been to before, and with these new sleds the possibilities are endless.