Arctic Cat Brand Returns to Off-Road Vehicles | Mountain Sledder
January 26th, 2019

Arctic Cat Brand Returns to Off-Road Vehicles

Textron has announced that the Arctic Cat brand is slated to return to the world of off-road.

As early as 2019, Arctic Cat branded side-by-side and ATV vehicles will once again be available for order.

The announcement reverses a decision by parent company, Textron Inc, to sell SxS and ATVs made in the Thief River Falls, MN Arctic Cat plant solely under the Textron banner. The company says that the decision was made because “Arctic Cat fans and powersports enthusiasts demanded it.”

Arctic Cat will resume production of the same model names—such as Wildcat XX and Prowler Pro—that loyal patrons of the brand have come to know and cherish.

Currently, the Arctic Cat website side-by-side and ATV menus still link to Textron-branded products, however that will no doubt change once new Arctic Cat models come to market.


– MS