Armorcord | Mountain Sledder
October 31st, 2008


I saw this pull cord for the first time in Edmonton last weekend and to be honest I was surprised with the product.  It really hadn’t even occured to me that an option for nylon even existed.  After chatting with Paul from Armorcord for a few minutes it became clear how his product was superior to nylon and I could all of the sudden remember clearly starting my sled by hand (via a clutch start) numorous times because of broken cords.  These guys gaurantee that will not happen with their product and offer a lifetime warranty to back it up.  If that wasn’t enough, they go as far as saying if you do break one, they’ll send you 10 free!  

Check out this video we shot in Edmonton with Paul.  He gave the ins and outs on Armorcord!

The cord has been tested with over 2000 lbs. of weight hanging from a single 1/8″ cord.  I don’t know how big your pythons are, but I know I can’t pull 2000 pounds worth of compression!  Another great feature is the natural lye of the product is flat and not round which dramatically cuts down on pinching, and jamming in our recoil.  Armor Cord is on to something here, for more information go to their site at today!

Armor cord is currently available on their site!