Avalanche Safety Competition
Every season is the right time to get educated about avalanches and traveling in the backcountry. We all make excuses about why we have not done anything about it and it’s getting old. With all the tragic events that have taken place this season so far maybe there is an extra kick in the butt to practice using your avalanche gear, or to go take an avalanche skills training course.
We at sledshot.com and Hangfire Training are holding a contest for a free Avalanche Skills Training level 1 course in Golden, BC. What better way to learn than out looking at the big terrain you want to be riding in.
All you have to do is be a sledshot.com registered user answer the questionnaire. We will draw a winner based on that for a free 2 day AST 1 course. Competition closes on February 28, 2009 and the winner will be announced at the beginning of March.
To register an account on sledshot.com, click here
To enter the competition, click here
Don’t get caught out there not knowing how to be efficient with your avalanche gear! It’s your friends life that your saving as well as your own.