Big Iron Shootout | Mountain Sledder
February 20th, 2009

Big Iron Shootout

So, obviously there are some good and bad feelings about this event going down.  I think in many ways it can be bad for Revy, with the insane amount of garbage, drinking, damage, etc. that goes on, all of which could be avoided if people would simply be more respectful of their surroundings.  I am truly blown away with the amount of garbage in the back country these days!  Pack out what you pack in… it’s even lighter when you bring it out…

Now some of the benefits!  Great for the local economy with sled rentals, hotel rentals, local bars, local restaurants, Revelstoke Snowmobile Club trail fees, etc. etc.  Not to mention it is a blast!

It is easy to see both sides of the story.  I love seeing people creations, skills, techniques, and styles and by the sounds of it, The Big Iron Shootout might be happening this year, I might have to go have a look!  But, I can promise you one thing, I’m going to pack out my garbage, PLEASE PLEASE if you go, pack yours out too!