Blair Morgan Fund Raiser | Mountain Sledder
September 25th, 2008

Blair Morgan Fund Raiser

For all of you guys out there who have idolized Blair’s career on and off the snow know this guy is no stranger to hard work and great achievements!  Unfortunately last Saturday during a supercross practice session in Montreal, Blair crashed and suffered serious spinal injuries.  He is currently paralyzed from the mid-back down, but will be returning to a facility near his home town to start physio and begin recovery efforts.  
Slednecks is having a fundraiser  this weekend along with their release of Slednecks 11 at Snatch Rock n’Roll Lounge, located at: 24-7400 Macleod Trail S. – Calgary, Alberta.  Members of the Slednecks Team will be there to sign autographs, and auction some swag.

Please come out and support this fundraiser!!  

Check out or call 403-255-4646 for more info.