Dan Treadway report October 2008 | Mountain Sledder
October 1st, 2008

Dan Treadway report October 2008

I’ve had a great summer at my home on Lake of the Woods where I own a construction company building cottages.

I’ll be here working for another few weeks then the best season of the year comes around. Sorry Not Sled Season! Hunting season. But sled season is a close 2nd. It’s a great way to train for ski and sled season as I spend a month hiking in the woods chasing down deer,moose, grouse and ducks. I’ll also be taking some time to do a bit of Physio for the coming year.

Last April I compressed my t9 and 10 while filming for Slednecks 11, with working all summer it needs a bit of TLC before the winter is in full effect.

As always winter plans are totally up in the air. I like to wait to see where it snows before making any concrete plans. I plan to film as much sledding as time permits between my ski work. The only thing I know is that I need to be home in Pemberton on March 14th as my wife will be having our first kid!

As far as sleds I’m still waiting to here back from BRP to finalize a deal for the coming season.