Explorer the Smart All Terrain System | Mountain Sledder
October 29th, 2008

Explorer the Smart All Terrain System

This conversion kit is manufactured with high quality parts, it is fully adjustable and easy to install!  It will carry you anywhere you want, boondocking, hillclimbing, sidehilling or trail riding, nothing will stop you.  No need to put your bike away this winter, check out Explorer!

One of the really cool parts of this kit is that it has a “deep snow”, “all surface”, and “hard pack” stance depending on what type of terrain you are going to be in.  The TWIN AXIS front end also keeps your ski keels down.  This dramatically helps with cornering along with the use of a dual keel ski that run along the outer edges of the ski.  This design is well thought out and adds a unique alternative for the die hard MXers’.

Check out explorermoto.com today! 
For more information contact:
Peter Woolsey at Whitesurf.ca in BC or
Mark Starnes at Moto-trax.com western US.