Hangfire Avalanche Training | Mountain Sledder
December 10th, 2008

Hangfire Avalanche Training

Hangfire Avalanche Training was developed out of
the sheer need for an Avalanche Skills Training (AST) course that was
snowmobile specific.  We’ve all looked into courses at one point in time
and seen that the course requires skis, snowboards, or snowshoes to
participate.  Hangfire simply requires you to own, or rent a sled, have
avalanche equipment (Beacon, Probe, Shovel, and Pack) and be a competent
snowmobile enthusiast.  Minor sled handing skills are obviously
recommended to help make the course enjoyable for all. 
This course takes place over a two-day schedule made up of some classroom work,
and a whole lot of riding.  Our
goal is to make sure you leave with a new set of decision-making skills along
with a smile on your face!
Upon completion of the course you will be issued
a certificate acknowledging your competition of a Canadian Avalanche
Association AST Course.
For more information check out www.hangfiretraining.com