Ride with Chris Brown | Mountain Sledder
January 17th, 2012

Ride with Chris Brown

With La Nina poking her head out and dumping just 3 feet or so of fresh here in Golden, the riding conditions were just about perfect!  The bulletins were reading Considerable/Moderate/Moderate, but becasue of steady winds and the increased snow loads we definitely played it pretty safe.  This was easy to do considering some of the best tree riding opportunities were around each and every corner!
The crew met Friday night at Mountain Motorsports before heading to Stags Hollow Lodge for a mellow night with a few friendly drinks and some relaxation, along with a meet and greet with Chris Brown.
Day one consisted of safe terrain travel techniques, beacon searches and of course riding pointers and technical direction.  After a dramatic temperatrue change we decided it would be best to make our way out, but not before taking “the road less traveled”…
After filling in a few creeks we did manage to avoid almost 4km or so of rough, wooped up trail.  
After our ride we treated ourselves at the Moberly Pub just west of Golden off highway 1.  This little local pub was just what the doctor ordered.  A few friendly drinks and some incredible eats we headed back to the lodge followed by a hot tub and an fairly early night!  
Day two was upon us before we knew it and with another 25+cm over night we had ablsolutely nothing to complain about!!  A short trail ride in and we were once again banging around in 3 feet+ of fresh…
The focus on day two was to ask what moves our guys wanted to learn or practice and focus on them more one on one.  After a few hours of this we demonstrated a compression test and what to look out for and how to take information from the test.
A little more slaying pow, a few stucks, and before we knew it the trip was over.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank Chris and all of our guests for making this clinic a success!  
I hope to see you all again soon!