new galleries
You may have to hit “refresh” on your browser to see some of these updates:
Photo Gallery
So we’ve taken all your feedback and decided one of the first parts of the site that needed an upgrade was the photo gallery.
We’ve made the thumbnails larger, and made the main image on the page larger as well. Some functionality that has always been there, but some of you may not have known about is that if you click on the main image you see it full size!
And when you are in the “lightbox” feature checking out the full size image, be sure to click on the left and right hand side of the image to navigate through the gallery.
Other changes include comments on images can now be seen on the main gallery page without having to click through to view them. Not much space, but most of your comments are short!
Finally, we’ve added our POW feature. POW – Photo Of the Week! Each week we will choose one image to be the POW for that week based on your comments, photo style, uniqueness etc etc.
Checkout the first five images that we decided are POW shots:
- Chris Brown’s shot from two weeks ago of Levi’s double back flip – sick moment in time!
- Ian Thomlinson’s shot from this week of Marc Jardine in the pow – what this gallery is all about!
- Chris Messervey’s shot which won the January photo comp
- Bernardo Fanti and Billy Neilson’s shots which got honorable mentions in the January photo comp
Next POW will be chosen next Friday….
Video Gallery
Having started on a redesign for the photo gallery, it seemed crazy not to bring you an update to the video gallery!
So we’ve added the same changes as we have on the photo gallery to make them look consistent to you.
The video player is now larger, and there’s more space for thumbnails and their descriptions. And again, your comments now show on the same page.
You’ll see that the changes we made to the video gallery have also been applied to our tech and riding tips video page as well.
We hope you like the changes. Be sure to let us know anything else you’d like to see.
Watch out for tomorrow’s news item about some more tech and riding tip updates to make “the epicentre of mountain sledding”!