Deep Snowmobiling in Kitimat Trip Report - Feb 2015 | Mountain Sledder
February 16th, 2015

Deep Snowmobiling in Kitimat Trip Report – Feb 2015

We are from Vancouver Island and as you may know, we’re having a very poor snow year which meant that a road trip to find good snowmobiling in Kitimat was in order. 18 hours of driving didn’t discourage us when we see the weather report of what might happen. We were watching the North coastal areas like Kitimat/Terrace area and when we saw the last storm about to arrive we knew we had to go.

We live in Courtenay and the schedule for the north ferry didn’t work, so it was a long 17 hours of driving. We drove straight through the night to stay in Terrace the first night just after the huge storm finished.

The riding was ok in Terrace, but it wasn’t hit as hard by the storm as Kitimat. The next two days we rode right out of Kitimat to an area called Mt. Clague where they received 149 cm of snow in one storm and parts of the town had been evacuated because they lost power for so long. The locals broke trail just before the alpine the day before, which was an amazing task as it’s one of the steepest trails in I have been on.

Once in the Alpine we met up with some of the locals and they showed us around. Darren Helberg was one of the locals that I had a good time with and great conversation. The terrain was some of the best all around terrain I have been on.

-written by Alan Sawchuck


It had it all, cliff drops, boondocking and natural hips. We didn’t have enough time to shovel up any big booters, but when the weather forecast is epic again we will be return customers.

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Finally we get in to some pow. Kitimat delivers