Tag: Dan Davidoff
January 7th, 2022 | Marty Anderson
Lives Touched – The Ripple Effects of Avalanches
The ripple effects of an avalanche involvement reach far beyond the victim, leaving a lasting impact on family, friends, rescuers and even total strangers.
September 24th, 2017 | Mountain Sledder
Thunderstruck 16 Film Review
You may recognize the intro to Thunderstruck 16 as the film’s teaser, which dropped online during the summer. Its quick-cut action hits hard and will get viewers on the edge of their seats right away.…
September 25th, 2016 | Mountain Sledder
Dan Davidoff Tribute
If the best among us can perish in such a way, how are we to make it through? This reflection requires a deeper look within; an introspection about what’s really important in…
June 10th, 2009 | Dave Best
Boondockers 6 TEASER
It's that time of year again... TEASER TIME! Dan and the rest of the guys from Boondocker Films have put together a really cool teaser showing us the crazy deep snow they…