Fitness| Mountain Sledder Magazine

Tag: Fitness

Don’t Be Left Behind – Get Fit for Winter

Winter is just around the corner. Whether you have been working all summer to earn some playtime, or just sitting in the wakesurf boat swilling beers, it’s time to pony up and…

Commit to Killin’ It – Sled Season Preparation

Life is busy—no matter your situation—and it can be hard to make time. But once you commit to training your body and mind, the quality of your ride experience will become exponentially…

The Cost of Weight Loss – Aftermarket Parts vs Body Modification

Like most who delve into the world of sled modification, you are probably looking for better performance—usually via either weight savings or increased power. It's time to take a look at the…

Fit for Riding

I need to remember next season that my first ride of the year (on a brand new chassis might I add) shouldn’t be with one of RSMHA’s top racers, Erin Beukelman, and…