mountain sledder| Mountain Sledder Magazine

Tag: mountain sledder

The Building Blocks of a Bowtie

While bowties are often categorized as a party trick and deemed not useful in conquering mountains, I believe otherwise. Successfully learning how to bring a sled around and recover from looping out…

Facebook Limiting the Reach of Mountain Sledder and Other Publishers

If you're used to seeing regular content from Mountain Sledder and other publishers and brands in your Facebook newsfeed, things are about to change.

10 Things a Real Mountain Sledder Would Never Do

Are you truly a real mountain sledder? Or just a willow-bashing wannabe, who happens to hit a hill every once in a while? Here are ten ways to find out.

Behind the Cover: Zac Parks

The name Zac Parks keeps cropping up in the snowmobile universe. Before we even knew much about him, there he was, gracing the cover of Mountain Sledder Magazine’s 10th issue. After getting to…

Riding Tip: Jumping 101 with Chris Brown

I get a lot of people asking me about jumping – how I started, what’s the biggest jump I’ve hit on my sled, and how to do it.