The snow bug has hit! | Mountain Sledder
September 27th, 2010

The snow bug has hit!

Along with Sledshot, we also run a snowmobile rental company in the winter so maintenance is something we feel is extremely important.  This is the KEY time of year to get it all going.  Assuming you guys summerized you machines this process shouldn’t take too long, but is a must to saving $$ in the long run.

First off a general inspection.  
Make sure no furry little creatures made you machine “home” during the summer months.  If you plugged your exhaust no big deal just remove the plug, but if you didn’t take the time to removed your pipe or at least have a good look up in there to see if there is a nest… (don’t laugh I’ve seen it several times on customer machines).

Next, throw some new spark plugs at it!  While doing this it is a good chance to make sure your caps are in good standing.  Make sure they click nicely into place.  Have a look up there to see if they are completely burnt out or not.  Make sure the little ring inside the cap is not broken or missing any contact points.  

Next I usually put a new belt on and retire the current belt as the new spare.  Just food for thought I suppose.  I love fresh belts and plugs!!

Next fill up that take with some good old fashion premium fuel.  Don’t hold back (cheap out)… ha.  You’ll have stabilizer in there anyway that you can dilute with some good fuel.  It’ll smoke like crazy for a bit, but you’ll burn that out on your first ride.

Never hurts to pull the air box off either, and have a good look into the carb.  You’ll be looking for any gunk, or green residue on the side and needle.  If there are any signs (or you didn’t summerize your machine) it’s time to pull that carb. and clean it from the inside out.  If you have not done a carb before, time to bring it to a shop.  You can do some damage here!

Next I usually inspect the track and hope there is nothing wrong with it (fingers crossed).  Assuming there is nothing wrong I move to the skid and hit all the grease points.  

Now many of you have “X” model machines or air suspension.  Good idea to check your air pressure in your Floats and return them to your happy place or at least OEM specs.  If your a Doo guy and you have an “X” model, bring them to your local shop and get them recharged.  Almost any shop out there will have the set up to do so.  Not a Doo specific tool, but Nitrogen is something many of you will not have at home and trust me, your shocks need it!!!!!

Now from here the list gets a little bit more technical and may require tools a know how.  But clutch cleaning is extremely important.  This is something most of you will have bring your sled to a shop for but you can same some money on a full service and just opt. for a clutch clean and inspection.  This is usually where you get the bad news you need rollers, pucks, ramps, and o-rings, but replacing these high wear parts can same you some serious $$ in the long run.  Plus a good clean clutch will go a long long way.  (NEVER USE any cleaners to clean your clutch)

If you are really excited and want to bling your machine look at some engine bath cleaners for the engine compartment!  You can usually get them from your local NAPA or auto parts store, but be careful and take your time.  Make sure it is easy on plastics and rubber (ie. RAVEs, Reed boots, intake boots, etc).  

Other then that GAME ON!!  All I can stress about any of these things is take your time and if you have questions ask.  Snowmobiles are amazing but no one ever said anything about being cheap.  Regular maintenance might be pricey, but it will save you money in the long run!!!!!!!   

Game on ya’ll and lets pray for some snow!!!!!!