What do you bring?
Obviously I’m going to start off with the essential three, beacon, probe, shovel, because if you don’t have these, don’t go out there. SERIOUSLY, Don’t go!
Now as for the rest of “that crap” here are the things that could make a possible overnight doable, or without possibly the worst night of your life. In no particular order:
1. Headlamp / flashlight
2. Waterproof matches (not lighter)
3. Space blanket (solar blanket)
4. Whistle/Radio (communication device)
5. Knife
6. Small first aid kit.
7. Food (bars, candy, Subway, anything)
8. Compass (GPS or map if practical)
9. Sled tools (spare belt)
10. KNOWLEDGE of how to use each of these.
I was asked recently (weather it was a joke or not…) to do a tech tip on an overnight stay. Well, I’ve talked it over with the camera man, and he is game… which I guess means I’m game… so we’ll get er done for you using no more then these simple tools listed above.
Obviously we’ll let you know how it goes!