What have you been up to lately? | Mountain Sledder
April 1st, 2008

What have you been up to lately?

It’s already been a great season. We’ve had tons of snow at home in
Whistler. In fact about 2 weeks ago, Geoff Kyle and I were sitting at
the bottom of a 800 foot decent that you pretty much couldn’t see from
top to bottom because of the amount of snow and actually caught myself
saying I was sick of riding powder. It had snowed for a month straight
and all we rode was over the head POW. It’s a tough life when that’s
all we have to complain about. I tried to shoot a bit for Frontier and
Slednecks but it was literally snowing too much and the camera gear
couldn’t take the abuse. For the past couple weeks we’ve been blest
with some sunny days and cold smoke so the shooting has begun mainly
with Aron Von Hess from Frontier but also a couple days with Slednecks.
I’ve mainly been riding close to home, Brandywine and the Pemberton
Icecap but have also found time for a couple trips to Revy and a coupel
other places in the Kootneys. I had a couple entertaining days riding
with Geoff Kyle and this crazy rancher Ryan from Oregon. He new that
when his 5 days in Canada was up he was back to work 7days a week so he
threw it down as hard as possible. By the end there wasn’t a piece of
plastic left in one piece on his new xp. I don’t think I’ve ever seen
someone take that many hits and keep going!! This season I’m planning
to hang around Whistler area mainly as long as the snow holds up. It’s
going to be a bit of a challeng balancing my time between skiing and
sledding, luckily I can do both at the same time. The spring will see
me in alaska for atleast a month or until my wife makes me come home.
For further updates on my season check out dantreadway.com,
biglines.com and untrackedlines.com