Andrew Munster – A Cornerstone of West Coast Sledding Culture
May 23rd, 2019

Andrew Munster – A Cornerstone of West Coast Sledding Culture

Andrew Munster is a multi-dimensional guy, and a one-of-a-kind when it comes to mountain sledding.

He is best known for Munster Innovations, his company that designs top-quality aftermarket components for snowmobiles. But the extent of his contribution to sledding culture doesn’t end there; Andrew is constantly pursuing sled-related goals, like customizing the coolest sled hauler you’ve ever seen and tweaking out the nastiest whips on a big mountain sled.

In winter, Andrew splits his time between riding and working in his barn-board backyard shop in Whistler, where he grew up. Not only does he design and refine his company’s products, but he also has a hand in sales and marketing, packaging product, taking orders, shipping and customer service.

Andrew’s recently completed sled hauler build is a window into his meticulous nature. It’s a 1998 Dodge 2500 chassis, stripped down and rebuilt with long-travel King Shocks and full air-ride suspension. It’s pushed by a supercharged and turbocharged 12-valve Cummins powerplant. The icing on the cake is a 1969 cab that pairs beautifully with a handcrafted Munster Innovations sled deck—all in pearl white. This isn’t some redneck, junkyard build; everything is immaculate and perfectly fitted. It represents Andrew’s attention to detail which permeates every aspect of his life—be it in the components he produces, his personal projects or his riding.


Photo: Jake Quinn


Somehow, Andrew still finds time to get out into the mountains to ride, gather content, explore new zones and push his personal limits. He is widely considered one of the best riders around, even in an area known for producing some of the craziest dudes to ever ride a sled. He’s not a huck-and-chuck rider though; he calculates the nuances of motion and the physics required, whether it’s a technical pull through the trees or an inverted whip on his 165” Ski-Doo.

While Andrew and crew are regularly riding and drumming up content to promote his brand, you’ll see evidence of his name credited as photographer and filmer just as often as athlete. Watch any of the three episodes of his Munster Films, and you’ll see that he spent much of the time behind the camera and in the editing bay, showcasing the talents of others.

At 33-years-old, with a successful business and a shitload of talent, Andrew has etched out a place in the upper echelon of the Coast Mountain sled culture.


– Matthew

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