Mary's Articles
September 14th, 2018 | Mary Clayton
Managing Avalanche Terrain
Moving safely through challenging and complex backcountry terrain requires solid skills, an open mind and an ability to question old habits. To help sledders acquire these skills, Avalanche Canada has developed a…
November 8th, 2017 | Mary Clayton
Free Backcountry Avalanche Workshops come to North-Central Alberta
Avalanche Canada is heading to north-central Alberta to deliver the Backcountry Avalanche Workshops (BAW) in five communities this November. The BAW is an excellent early-season tune-up on avalanche safety to get you…
October 11th, 2017 | Mary Clayton
Avalanche Canada Presentations at Sled Shows Focus on Close Calls
Due to an overwhelming number of close calls involving snowmobilers last season, Avalanche Canada presentations at snowmobile shows this fall will focus on the lessons learned from sledders who are fortunate to be…