Crazy Holidays
Over the past week we have seen all kinds of crazy inversions in temperatures with -20 degrees down at valley bottom, and 0 degrees at 8000′. What does this mean? A fair amount of solar heating going on south facing aspects. If the sun has touched it, it got nuked! As for the shady slopes, with our very cold, clear, still nights, the opportunity for surface hoar to grow has been prime. Both of these issues are not necessarily effecting us right now, but with some new snow in the forecast, we need to remember these layers are getting buried.
As for exciting news we’ve had a ton of interactions going on this year in respect to our videos, and that is driving us to get back on the video train right after the busy holidays are over. I’m recovering from a 25 lbs. 2 year old who sprained my throttle thumb, but should put me back on snow the first of Jan. Our main videograher has been busy guiding and teaching AST1 avalanche courses, and web developer has been drowning in x-mas work.
It is a very busy time for us here at, but we are all looking forward to January when things slow down and we can hit the snow once again with sleds and cameras blazing.
We are pumped you guys are sharing your ideas of what you would like to see in 2010 for videos. Keep those ideas rolling in and we’ll do our best to make them happen. It is so much easier for us to go out and make videos when we have a creative direction to head. We can film jumps and riding all day long, but we do like to be productive every once in awhile…
Take care guys, and we’ll be back with fresh info, and videos in the new year 2010!
Wow that sounds weird. 2010 2010 2010.