Fall Rituals – The Countdown to Winter Has Begun
September 4th, 2018

Fall Rituals – The Countdown to Winter Has Begun

Tick, tock, tick, tock, the countdown has begun. Daylight recedes by three minutes a day. Nights are cool, leaves begin to turn and antlered deer become hot and bothered with the coming rut. Grey wisps of clouds, bloated with the promise of snow, fill the sky, signifying a change of seasons and a change in our collective attitude. Stoke levels rise as we check off days now, not months, until that first ride. 

Featured photo by Jeff Harker


Fall Rituals – The Countdown to Winter Has Begun

The sledding lifestyle is filled with rituals that reflect the season of their origin. Rituals are important; they help define who we are and what we do. They ground us, giving our hopes and expectations a firm base. Winter brings stoke-filled moments on snow, cold tailgate beers at dusk and greasy shop nights spinning wrenches. Let’s also not forget, the ever-important social media cruising and posting. But every season is steeped in its own set of rituals: the deep snow of winter, spring sunshine sessions, summer work and recovery—and then there’s fall.

It’s the season to pull out gear and check everything over. The time to figure out what works and what needs replacing—the dress rehearsal stage. And whether a new sled is showing up at the dealer or you’re milking another year out of the old one, it’s gonna mean some shop time. Attending snowmobile tradeshows and watching new sled flicks help fuel our stoke. But most importantly, we get together with our riding crew to make plans, talk shit, ogle new machines and gear, and talk of riding days past. 


Fall Rituals



Fall is the time to partake in the annual rituals that help define our sledding culture. It’s time to get stoked for the coming season. The deep snow of winter will be here before we know it!


– Matthew