FXR | Mountain Sledder
July 19th, 2008


I tested this FXR suit all season using it day in and day out.  I probably put on more ‘K’ in a season then most do in four, so I figure a suit that can last an entire season for me is something special.  The Vertical jacket comes in five different colour variations and the one I chose was winter camo.  This jacket was pimp!  All season long I was answering questions about it, and that’s always a good sign.  FXR has started using a material called Tetratex, a Waterproof/Breathable/Seam Sealed Lining.  This stuff ‘gets er’ done!’  The way we ride sleds these days requires materials that are a few steps above the one-piece black cotton puffy suits we all use to ride when we were kids.  Breaking a sweat is something that is a guarantee these days, its not just something that happens to your boyz when then get stuck… We need to have good wicking materials now, and FXR has found the answer.

One of the coolest features of this jacket is that it is cut and sewn in your natural riding position.  When you try it on in a store you may think the fit is odd, but when you stand on your sled it all makes sense.  This helps with more then the obvious, comfort, it also allows the jacket to breath and perform better by not bunching up, or causing  high stress areas in the jacket.  As well, by not putting stress on the seams it increases the longevity of the garment.

Now I really have saved the best for last, the Vertical Pant (I rode the non bib pant, black/white).  In all honesty I have not had a pant last for more then a few months, whether it be from ripping, falling apart, or simply not staying waterproof.  Here in Golden, BC (my home base), our season goes from early November, to the end of April (if not longer).  Because of the length of the season our temperatures vary and we could see temperatures from above zero all the way down to -30 celsius.  The Vertical Pant has more then proved themselves in these tricky temperature variations.  They are a shell type pant, and I thought I’d give them my ultimate (I forgot my long underwear at home) test.  I wore nothing under them but my boxers in  -26 degrees celsius weather.  On the trail doing over 100 km/h no wind was coming through.  After a full day of riding, sweating, and of course a bit of socializing, I was not cold or wet.  I had not been able to do this before, and I was completely blown away and I’m sure I told multiple people about this feat.  However, I did find one thing I wasn’t 100 % stoked on, and that was the boot gaiter fitting.  I brought this up with Russ at FXR and I was assured it would be modified for winter 08/09.  

FXR was a pleasure to work with last season, and we would like to thank them very much for our gear, and the opportunity to help with their mountain product development!  

If you are in the market for a new suit, have a look at FXR’s line, you will find something right for your riding style!

Big thank you to Aaron, and Russ at FXR