If You Want Quality Sledding Video Content to Watch, Stop Bashing Brands for a Second and Share
We love watching sledding videos. I know this to be true because Google Analytics, Facebook insights and YouTube view counts all tell me so. As sledders, our appetite for video content is pretty insatiable. However, I for one much prefer to watch quality sledding video content from some of our sport’s very talented independent producers than much of the garbage that clogs up social media today. Don’t you?
Here’s the problem though.
High quality video content is expensive and requires a lot of effort to produce and there isn’t a lot of support out there for it. Why isn’t there support? Well, part of the problem is that industry needs to see good bang for their marketing buck, and they’re getting a ton of exposure from the average Joe with a smartphone for free, so why would they?
Unfortunately, that means that there isn’t much money being tossed about for independent producers of quality sledding video content these days. Which is a shame, because some of these teams are pumping out some really impressive work. But without backing, it’s really hard to keep the pantry full of ramen noodles, let alone handle the expenses involved in creating video content. And I’m personally worried that without more support, we will see the number of independent crews producing quality sledding video start to decline. In fact, this is already happening.
Problem #1 Quality Sledding Video Content is Expensive to Produce
Let’s first look at the expenses involved in producing the kind of top quality sledding video content that we love and have come to expect at no cost to ourselves:
- Sled $15,000
- Truck $50,000
- 4K Video Camera Body $6000-$12,000
- A Slew of Lenses $5000-$20,000
- Drone $1200-$8000
- Editing Hardware and Software $2400+
- POV Cams $800
- Stabilization (Tripod, Gimbal Stabilizers) $800
- Accessories (Memory Cards, Hard Drives) $200
- Lighting equipment
- Travel and Accommodation
- Fuel
- Repairs
And so on and so on. This list is in addition to many of the items that you would need just to go for a simple ride in the mountains, including avalanche safety gear, outerwear, helmet, boots, gloves and so on.
It’s Not Just Equipment, It’s Also Time
Now factor in the time of the production team as well. They’ve got to spend time planning and working around the schedule of athletes. They may have to travel to chase snow or meet the talent. Then there is time spent in the field, capturing their story. After that, it’s back to the editing room. What happens there can make or break a video. Did you know that it could take a capable editor up to a full day or more to cut together a 2-3 minute video? There’s video ingestion, audio selection, assembly, editing, colour correction, rendering, exporting and uploading that needs to take place. On top of that, video producers will often have to pay for the rights to most of the music and audio tracks they’ll need to complete their edit.
You get it, making quality sledding video is not cheap. But it’s not like any of these production teams are trying to get rich! They’re just trying to pay for the cost of their equipment and squeak by, trying to make a go doing something they enjoy.
The good news, is that you, the viewer, has the power to support these content producers and it won’t cost you a dime. More on that in a second.
Problem #2 Quality Sledding Video Content Doesn’t Always Get the Reach It Deserves
If we all enjoy watching quality sledding video, why then are independent producers not well supported by industry?
Ask yourself this. Why would industry people fork over good money to support these sort of top quality content production teams, when there is a steady stream of shaky GoPro one-clip videos that get posted to social media every single day with hashtags like #outerwearthatiboughtandpaidfor #iwannabepro #ihavenoincentivetopromoateabrandbutidoitanyway #whybother?
The answer to the first question, I believe, is that they’re not seeing it in the numbers. Here’s in part why.
Too often, these independent producers of killer mountain sledding content are not getting the reach they deserve. That unfortunately is a function of the way that we use social media and the algorithms that giants like Facebook use to decide who sees what in their newsfeed. Stick with me here for a second.
When a post is shared and engaged with immediately, it stands a better chance of being recognized by the algorithms of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter—you name it—and being spread around for more people to see. If that doesn’t happen, then there is a chance that post will fall by the wayside and end up with considerably less views that it deserves.
The problem is this:
Sledders like to use the Internet to bitch about brands and other stupid shit
I personally feel that too many sledders will consume any video content that is thrown their way when it gives them an opportunity to make it clear that they know more than everyone else. That is to say that when a rider makes a comment on a crappy video solely for the purpose of trashing some other brand of snowmobile, or to prove they are more hardcore than someone else—or for whatever—Facebook et al. sees that as, “this video is great!” Even when it really isn’t. The algorithm can’t tell the difference—it only knows that you engaged with it, and that means it must be good and more people should see it.
Here’s how to teach Facebook to show you awesome sledding content, and get the producers some support at the same time
If you want to continue to see top quality sledding video content from independent producers, I FIRMLY believe that you should do the following:
- Share their post. If you liked it, your friends might too. Spread it as far and wide as you can.
- Engage. Make a comment! Even if all it says is “Great job guys, I really enjoyed this!” More engagement means more people will see it in their feeds.
- Like. Love. Hate. Whatever, just click on that little “thumbs up” or “heart”. To an algorithm, it all counts.
- And follow the page or account of team that produced it!
If we all did this for top quality video instead of trolling and arguing in comments on video that we really don’t care about at all, we can show Facebook and other social media platforms what’s really important to us.
The result is that video production teams with healthy reach will have more leverage to ask for industry support when it comes to producing more work in the future. By sharing and engaging, it’s telling social media AND industry that good quality content has value, and you want to see more of it. Think of it as a way to support a team’s efforts and helping them securing funding—without costing you a dime.
So please, if you want to enjoy quality sledding video content in the future, please treat your shares, likes and comments like money of your own. Spend your money wisely, where you want, on what you think is important. That will help us all continue to enjoy the work of some of our sport’s incredibly talented video production teams who need support to keep going.
– Pat