Summer's round the corner! | Mountain Sledder
March 20th, 2010

Summer’s round the corner!

The more and more hype that goes into moto trail riding, the keener my ear becomes.  We’ve been primarily a winter community site for two seasons now and are starting to generate some solid interest.  Lately I’ve had a ton of interest here around town, and I know around your towns too, about exploring a whole new type of ‘riding zones’.  Wondering more out of sake of interest right now if there are many websites out there with any type of coverage with ‘everyday’ types of riders doing their thing out there?  I’ve seen some GREAT youtube video lately of some super techy single track that got my heart pumping!  
Give me the ins and out!  
This sounds like something we could get into!!
If you have video of moto, we’ll do our best to approve it in the video galleries to see what kind of interest it gets!