CDub| Mountain Sledder Magazine

Tag: CDub

Poaching a National Park will get your Pee-Pee slapped by C-Dub

Poaching a park on your snowmobile will not be tolerated and if caught you will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Here’s what to expect when you get busted:…

Summertime blues and the yardwork solution

Don’t be shy, mow everything. The garden, perennials, annuals, weeds, grass, shrubs, that ornamental orange tree, just mow it all man.

Don’t be a jammer

Jamming can take on many forms: -The ‘maybe’ jammer. The least flattering form of jamming. They ‘maybe’ you all the way up to or very close to the day of the activity…

Hippy + Redneck = Hipnecks

Are you a Lemming? No you are not and I know this because Lemmings cannot read or crush Monster.