Tag: Hickshow
December 18th, 2016 | Mountain Sledder
Behind the Cover: Zac Parks
The name Zac Parks keeps cropping up in the snowmobile universe. Before we even knew much about him, there he was, gracing the cover of Mountain Sledder Magazine’s 10th issue. After getting to…
July 29th, 2016 | Mountain Sledder
Hickshow FollowCam 7 Teaser
The production value and qualtiy of shots and riding has gotten better, better and better over the last 6 years and we're so stoked on the Followcam 7 trailer! Congrats to brothers…
April 1st, 2015 | Maverick Walker
Hickshow Film Trip
At around 3pm the weather started to clear up. Even though the snow wasn't the greatest we still got the cameras out and found a couple tree lines and some whip jumps with…