hmk| Mountain Sledder Magazine

Tag: hmk

Winter 2019 Gear Reviews

A creative look at our Winter 2019 gear reviews. Check the links for the full reviews! What will keep you warm and dry this winter?

It’s the Parking Block that Will Get You…AKA “The Cody Borchers Story”

I came sliding to a stop on my right side with the sled across from me - upside down and running.  All I could think was “Are you f*#&ing kidding me......”

HMK Team Boot

HMK has been a "go to" boot for me in the past because of their snowboard like feel that many of us are accustom to, but they have had their ups and…

HMK launches new 2010 website!

Hey guys, I'm sure you have been to the old HMK site several times, and with a new season dropping in on us, HMK has launched a new website to showcase their…

Video Comp Results

Thanks to all the people who entered the March HMK and video competition.  So the results are in…..

Video Comp – Update

Reminder for all those people who are going to / or have entered this month's video comp....

Video Comp

Want to win an HMK Camo Action Jacket? HMK and want to see your best mountain sledding action video, whether it's a headcam vid, hillclimbing video, event, boondockin', airtime, whatever you…