Tag: hmk
August 23rd, 2019 | Mountain Sledder
Winter 2019 Gear Reviews
A creative look at our Winter 2019 gear reviews. Check the links for the full reviews! What will keep you warm and dry this winter?
May 29th, 2014 | Cody Borchers
It’s the Parking Block that Will Get You…AKA “The Cody Borchers Story”
I came sliding to a stop on my right side with the sled across from me - upside down and running. All I could think was “Are you f*#&ing kidding me......”
November 12th, 2010 | Dave Best
HMK Team Boot
HMK has been a "go to" boot for me in the past because of their snowboard like feel that many of us are accustom to, but they have had their ups and…
November 5th, 2009 | Dave Best
HMK launches new 2010 website!
Hey guys, I'm sure you have been to the old HMK site several times, and with a new season dropping in on us, HMK has launched a new website to showcase their…
April 6th, 2009 | Dave Best
Video Comp Results
Thanks to all the people who entered the March HMK and sledshot.com video competition. So the results are in…..
March 30th, 2009 | Dave Best
Video Comp – Update
Reminder for all those people who are going to / or have entered this month's video comp....
March 4th, 2009 | Dave Best
Video Comp
Want to win an HMK Camo Action Jacket? HMK and sledshot.com want to see your best mountain sledding action video, whether it's a headcam vid, hillclimbing video, event, boondockin', airtime, whatever you…