Tag: paul thacker
May 23rd, 2017 | Mountain Sledder
Warrior Ride – Injured Veterans Snowmobile Ride Event
Warrior Ride Military veterans who are injured in action can have an especially difficult time integrating back into society after their duty.
November 24th, 2014 | Mountain Sledder
Film Review – Winter Project
THE PROJECT What’s different about this film is the way that it came together. Unable to secure the necessary funding for a feature-length action documentary through traditional channels, the Anchorage Alaska…
July 31st, 2014 | Editor
The long awaited trailer for the new Winter Project is here. This one looks pretty interesting. http://www.winterproject.net/
April 28th, 2009 | Dave Best
Revy, Golden, Whistler, travel…
So far this spring we’ve been on the road hitting BC's finest. New locations, new zones, new machines, new, new and new…It has been fun, exhausting, ground breaking, and productive to say the…