Megan Render's Winter Woes | Mountain Sledder
April 21st, 2015

Megan Render’s Winter Woes

My Winter Woes

So after years of riding my trusted Yamaha “Pinky” we decided to add an addition to the family and we acquired a 2014 174 Boost-it Pro. The sled came already set up with the necessities (Boost-it turbo, Racers Edge skid, 3 inch track) so I didn’t have to add anything for performance. I did however give her a fancy new makeover so that she would look as badass as she is. I started with a pink to purple fade for the powder coating, complimented that with a kick ass wrap from 509 INK, and finally added the eye catching halo lights from Sound Obsession’s in Lloydminster. I may be biased but this is one sexy sled and I was PUMPED to get out and ride her!




My season began with me dreaming about all the chutes we were going to climb together… I set my sights on some I haven’t climbed in Revelstoke yet like the Gash, Campout and possibly even the Arm. I also decided with this new lighter sled that I was going to venture into other aspects of riding like trying some tricks. After watching the boys at the 509 heli-shoot throw it down, I was determined to master the whip! I was going big this year, new chutes new tricks… I was going to rock this new sled!

Each year our season begins with the first ride in late November, this year however due to insanely bad roads and typically low snow we decided to wait for the next weekend of snow… well that was a mistake! December came around and still no snow… well not any that interested us in the 12 hour drive so we stuck around home spent time with the family and geared up for our trip to Costa Rica. Every year we head out to Revy for a week after xmas but this year we had planned a hot weather vacay. Well while the snow reports weren’t stellar I must say we probably missed at least some decent riding… So we come home all relaxed and ready to ride, finally!! We headed out to Revy and while the reports of the snow were not favorable, we were able to find some spots to play around. After riding my Yamaha for 4 seasons I quickly appreciated the lightness of this sled in the wet heavy snow and holy, the power she puts out is crazy! A super fun sled to ride!






Next sledding weekend came upon us and after hearing about the 2-inch layer of straight ice on the Revy hills we decided to make a trip to Valemount instead. I was pretty excited since this would be my first time out that way and I do enjoy exploring new areas. Unfortunately my hubby had to work later then we had hoped so by the time we got home to take off, a full blown blizzard has rolled in and was reported to last the whole way to Valemount… I love sledding but driving 8 hours in a blizzard just didn’t seem to make sense so we pulled the plug.

It’s funny back years ago when there were no highway cameras or twitter talking about the horrible roads we always just went, now with all the technology we second guess whether to go or not. Maybe we’re becoming wiser (not risking our lives for adventure) or maybe it’s just that we are getting old and becoming chicken?? So instead we stayed home and did some ice fishing, where I caught like 8 jacks where the boys caught nothing, haha!




Another weekend came and again we were loaded up ready to go and another damn blizzard rolled in. I swear Mother Nature is testing us this year! We decided even though the weather forecast was for rain all weekend to tough it out and still go. First day we rolled into the parking lot and it was pissing rain. The others in our group didn’t even unload the sleds, but we had come this far and I was going riding whatever the conditions! It ended up being a great way to test out my FXR monosuit… even in the pouring rain it kept me insanely dry. Score one for FXR! The second day brought in a skiff of new snow, and we had a decent day just touring around.




And that had been my sledding season that far… seriously. Worst year ever!

My season may have included a couple other weekends but unfortunately for me, Friday the 13th rolled around and decided to give me a taste of bad luck. On my way home from work I slammed into a deer going full highway speed, and let me tell you that Ford Explorers EXPLODE when you hit things… all I could see was a deer in the air and a rain cloud of plastic parts showering down on me. Instantly I felt my back tighten up and my neck is began to ache, whiplash had set in and I was furious! That was my fourth time getting whiplash so at that point I knew my season was on hold. So it was almost a blessing for me that it didn’t snow after that incident.

So, like others I can say that this winter was by far the worst winter for my sledding ambitions. No new chutes, no new tricks… the first year in a while where I haven’t accomplished my sledding goals and it sucks! The only thing I was able to do this winter was refine my ice fishing skills and while I did catch a ton of fish, I still longed for the adrenaline of a climb, the pow curls… really anything to do with sledding!




However I have tried to make the best out of the few weeks left of this winter. With my back feeling better I participated in the second year of the WCHA Hillclimb Championships… and although I didn’t have much practice on a sled, I think at this point it’s all about making the best of what we can and just enjoying the ride!


– Megan


